I’ve decided that playing this game (seeing what kind of new lows you can reach before you cease to be human) really can help add levity and joy to one’s miserable existence.  For example, last night I couldn’t sleep and so was lying awake at 2 AM watching an old episode of Law and Order: SVU that I’ve seen no less than THREE times under the guise of “research (trying to write a list –– subject cannot be disclosed –– which requires me spending upwards of 24 hours rewatching SVU’s and in the end, McSweeney’s won’t even touch my shit, guaranteed) and I actually started TEARING UP when the dad from The Wonder Years begged for judicial mercy for his sociopathic adopted daughter, and then when I was just about to chastise myself for being so PATHETIC, I chuckled and thought, “Gee, this is a new one!  What a funny sad sack I am!”

And now I’m off to read a bitter comedian’s tweets instead of do worthwhile work.  NAMASTE, THESE ARE PRAYER BEADS!

One Response to “THE NEW LOWS GAME”

  1. Itinerant Son Says:

    Oh no! You do that, too?! (read Tweets even though you are not a registered Twitter account holder)

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